Here is a non-exhaustive list of my projects. All of my projects can be found on my GitHub.

  • Self-Service Checkout System [GitHub Repo]
    IoT solution of a theft-proof self-checkout system which eliminates the need of cashier and solves the problem of cumbersome queues at billing counter while ensuring user anonymity and following COVID appropriate norms.

  • Image Captioning [GitHub Repo]
    Trained a CNN-LSTM based system to caption the unlabelled images. Adopted transfer learning via a pre-trained Inception-V3 model and implemented a custom model with over 1.8 million trainable parameters. Achieved a high BLEU score on Flickr 8k dataset.

  • Lane Detection using Hough Transform [GitHub Repo]
    Used line fitting to detect road lanes in images taken from the front of a car. For this, Hough transform is implemented from scratch.

  • Education Server [GitHub Repo]
    Implemented a multi-threaded server-client application in C using POSIX APIs. Used message queues to interact between server and clients, semaphores to prevent deadlocks while updating the server database and threads to generate database report.

  • Big Data Computer Malware Detection [GitHub Repo]
    Devised strategies to process and train models for big data. Carried out batch-wise processing and incremental learning due to big data nature of the input. Trained different models and tried out various training strategies for high classification accuracy and finally settled on LightGBM setup.

  • Von Neumann Machine simulator [GitHub Repo]
    An emulator for the Von Neumann Machine built in Verilog. Implemented all the 21 instructions of the IAS instruction set including memory and all registers.

  • Cache Simulator [GitHub Repo]
    Implemented direct mapped memory cache and four way set associative memory cache with the LRU replacement policy in C.

  • Memories [GitHub Repo]
    Implemented a full stack social media application using MERN stack with CRUD operations for posts and users, user authentication with email (JWT) and Google OAuth, pagination and search bar.

  • Road Network Simulation [GitHub Repo]
    Created a Visualiser/Simulation showing how multiple trucks will deliver packages for Logistics company that moves many packages from one place to another. With multiple stations distributed all over the map, packages are shipped from any station to any other station. By allowing the user to set multiple constraints for the delivery, the simulation runs an algorithm to show which path a truck should take in order to deliver all packages successfully.

  • Socket Quiz [GitHub Repo]
    A simple CLI based MCQ type quiz app implemented in python using socket programming. Lets the host (server) to host a live quiz with multiple participants (client). At the server side, the host is able to formulate questions and their respective answers. Once the server uploads the question and respective answer to it, the buzzers become active. The first client to press the buzzer gets a chance to answer the question. At the end of each round, the point table is printed in front of each player to tally their scores.

  • Snake Game [GitHub Repo]
    A simple, colourful version of snake game implemented in python3.

  • Bus Ticketing System [GitHub Repo]
    A CLI based bus booking system made in C.